The Most Recent Pics...

This is the scar on the right's shiny from the moisturizer, but you can still see that it looks damn good!!

The real-time diary of a 20-year old Chicago woman undergoing a double bunionectomy. Doesn't get more exciting than that.
Today I went to the Arlington Racetrack with my mom, sister, cousin Tony, Auntie Ro, and nani. It was fun except I lost about 6 dollars. None of my horses won! I also wore flip flops for the first time since my surgery! My feet still aren't "pretty..." because the scars are still red and all awkward looking and the skin is still coming off. I had to wear bandaids over where the flip flop straps went over my scar because it's sensitive. As for the shape of my foot, it's normal! However, I found myself hiding my feet. I've been doing it for 20 years...always hiding my feet and hardly ever wearing flip flops, especially in public because there are so many people; so now I have to get used to the fact that there's nothing to be embarrassed about anymore! It'll just take time.
Today was pretty busy for me!! Starting yesterday, I had the doc appointment, then I went shoe shopping with my mom and bought a new pair of cute shoes. Then I went out for dinner to The Cheesecake Factory with my good friend, Kelly. Today I went to my nani and grandpa's house and they taught me how to make meatballs!! I asked them last week because I've always wanted to know their recipe. Even though I really didn't DO anything except mix up the ingredients, now I know all the stuff that goes in them (yeah don't ask for the's top secret!). Then my mom, sister, Uncle Anthony, cousin Andrew, Auntie Ro, and cousin Tony came over and we al had pasta and meatballs for lunch. Delicious :-)
It's been 26 days from my surgery and I just got home from my third post-op visit. I took final X-Rays and the doc said they were perfect and exactly what he wanted. He told me that my bones are about 95% healed and that I can start exercising, running, all that. He also said that I can wear flop flops as long as I'm not in a really crowded place because direct trauma still poses a threat. He said that nothing I can do will make the healing process go faster. All that will heal them is time. The scabs from my incisions are starting to fall off and the dry skin is coming off more everyday. He said all I have to do is wait for the swelling to go down, the skin to heal (the incisions are completely closed up now), and to get my confidence and range of motion back. He also said that I don't need to bandage my foot during the day, only at night when swelling is the highest. He said that the bones are healed but now the soft tissue (aka skin and muscle) needs to heal. So...yay :-) back to normal (almost...hehe)!!
Today was my cousin Rosemarie's birthday party. It was fun, she did a Giada (from Food Network)-inspired menu. It was good except she ran out of bread (ROSEMARIE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????!!! haha). My family on my mom's side is 100% Italian, and together (about 15 of us), we can devour LOAVES of bread in one sitting. Haha but overall the food was really good and it was a fun party.
So last night I went to Oakbrook Mall with my friend, Kelly. I wore my Diesels which usually don't hurt my feet. I must've walked really fast through the mall (too fast), because I woke up this morning and my feet were killing me. Not a sharp pain, just achey and kind of stiff. Usually first thing in the morning they hurt like that but the pain goes away and they loosen up as the day goes on. But today the pain never really subsided. Add into the picture the fact that I went downtown Geneva with my mom, sister, Auntie Ro, and cousin Tony and walked around for an hour or so...and I haven't been able to really walk since I got home. The big and second toes on both feet are black and blue too. They're elevated now and I might put some ice on them later on. I think I may have been pushing myself too much too quickly. I guess I'm just anxious to get back to being normal.
THESE ARE NOT MY FEET THANK GOD!!! Haha I was just browsing through pictures and I found these pictures of absolutely terrible bunions.
So another bad part of having bunion surgery is that once all the bandages are off, you skin falls off. Haha for real though...because no moisture reaches your feet for about 2 weeks, once the bandages are off, you start walking on your feet, getting them wet, etc., the old skin wrinkles up and starts falling off, exposing fresh, new skin thats softer than a baby's bottom. Not only on my feet...but also on my legs! Yeah it's a little gross...but it's hard as hell to shave when your feet are elevated 2 1/2 feet in the air, covered in bandages and plastic bags to keep them from getting wet, sitting on the shower floor (ew), and trying to concentrate on not getting your feet wet. Add in a tailbone that starts aching from the position, and the last thing on your mind is shaving. I would try, but I didn't do a good job. So when I got my first good shave about 5 days ago, the razor kept getting plugged up, not with hair...but with old skin that was blocking the razors. Sorry if this post is gross...but it's true!! So even to this day, my skin on my legs is still not normal, but I think another day or two will have them completely exfoliated. As for my feet, I used a pumice stone tonight in the shower to get all the skin off my feet. It took about 15 minutes, but it was well worth it. I moisturized when I got out, and my feet look sooo much nicer.
Hey I went out for breakfast with my dad's side of the family and then to Navy Pier with my mom's side for dinner and to see Cirque Shanghai. It was so awesome. The only bad thing was that the weather kind of sucked...humid and sorta rainy. Overall, awesome :-)
I went in for my second post-op visit today and my worst fears disappeared literally, before my eyes as the nurse took off the bandages. My feet looked great!! Compared to last week, when they looked deformed and I cried when I left the office, today was great. She cut off the bandages and the swelling had gone WAY down, plus since I took so much of the iodine off, my feet looked nice and normal-colored except for the bruises. The doc cut off the ends of the stitches (they're dissolvable but the ends were sticking out of my 4 cuts total) and that kind of hurt but he was done within 30 seconds. He moved my toes around which caused some mild discomfort was wasn't bad at all.
For the last few days, I've been having some mild pain in my feet. Mostly in my big and second toes. The swelling has gone down a lot, but now the bruising is there. The black and blue marks on my second toes have gone down a lot and the coloration is almost back to normal.
Today me, my mom, dad, and sister went downtown Chicago to the Alder Planetarium. It was a lot of fun and pretty interesting. I had a wheelchair and I was in it for about 2/3 of the time. Of course, I got a lot of stares...and when people KEPT staring, I'd make an excuse to get up to look at an exhibit so they could see that I was capable of walking. I've been working with people with disabilities since 2nd grade, but today was the first time I actually felt how it feels to have a physical disability. Like when I went to the bathroom, the hallway is just big enough for the wheelchair to fit through, but it turns at a 90 degree angle twice, so it was almost impossible to maneuver the chair. Then I realized that I could walk and it made a lot more sense to leave the chair outside and just walk into the bathroom haha...but still, even the floor was uneven and when I was wheeling myself around by turning the wheels, sometimes I'd start turning in a circle because one wheel wouldn't turn because the floor was uneven. was more funny than embarrassing and overall it was a good experience.
Hey all!
Yeah so nothing exciting when it comes to my feet happened today. Granted it's only 4pm...but I doubt anything great is going to occur. I went to Auntie Ro's for a delicious BBQ for lunch. That was very nice. sister and dad are out tonight so it's just me and my mom. I painted my toenails last night to make them look nicer. That's about it.
Hey...I've been trying to post all day but has been down until now. Ok so I've been doing a lot of thinking...and I'm really confident that my feet are going to look fine. I think the major shock of yesterday was mostly from the narrowness of my feet. Because about 1/2-1 inch has been taken off each foot's width, AND since they have been in thick bandages for a week, I forgot how narrow my heels were, and therefore my bunion-less new feet. I took some pictures today of the new bandages...and also here are the old pics of the old bandages so you can understand how I forgot how narrow my foot was in addition to the shock of losing almost an inch in width from the bunion:
Right. So I went to the doc today. I was excited, anxious, nervous, I just couldn't wait to see them. Yeah ok the nurse unwrapped my left foot first. The more she unraveled the bandages, the more my heart sank. By the time she was finished, I was holding back tears. My foot looked deformed. It was so narrow (almost an inch in width was taken off my left foot), my big toe and 2nd toe were seperated my a gap (which was supposed to be there...but it was just more than I had imagined), my feet were wrinkled, black and blue, swollen, and my toes looked like some were "sunken in." I looked at my mom and she looked at me with an 'oh no' face...I knew she was thinking what I was thinking. I hoped the right foot would be better. The nurse unwrapped the right foot and I saw some dried blood by the incision as we got closer to the skin. The right one looked a little better...but still narrow (I KNOW it's supposed to be narrow...but I dunno...). Once the bandages were completely off, I was in complete shock. I stared at my feet blankly, so disappointed, so upset that I had given up my old deformed feet for new deformed ones. My nurse and doctor kept saying it was just swelling and blah blah..and I hope they're right. Because of all the shock...we forgot to take pictures. wouldn't want to see them anyways like that. Maybe next week.
Ok people...this is a video of an actual bunion surgery. It's about 30 seconds long and pretty graphic. So if you're easily sickened...don't say I didn't warn you!
So the day before my surgery, I came across a message board about double bunionectomies. There are 39 pages...with about 5 posts each, and I've read every single one at least twice. There are 3 posters who had surgery during the 'life of the thread' (aka while people were posting on the board), so I like to look at my progress in relation to theirs. All three say that at one week (which is today for me!!) they were still in so much pain and still popping Vicodins and could hardly walk. Why, then, do I have virtually no pain? no throbbing? no more popping pills? and walking at my leisure? It makes me a little nervous...grateful...but nervous.
To my whole family (mom, sis, Auntie Laura, etc. haha) who says my blog is 'boring.' Get a double bunionectomy and then you'll see what 'boring' really is. Everyday just sitting around doing nothing but watching the clock to see when you can take your next Vicodin, playing Sudoku until you have a headache, and watching TLC until you can't take it.....haha I started this blog ONLY to document the progress of my feet!! It's not a personal blog! If it was, I'd write about my life and post pics of myself!! It was originally only meant for myself to see anyways and then my mom read it too!!! MEAN MEAN MEAN!!! (see you today at nani's) (and Friday at Auntie Ro's) :-)
My dad sent me some pictures he took of me at the hospital on his phone. I still can't find my soon as I do I'll have before and after pics! Sorry...