Going Out In Public This Weekend!
Hey all!
Nothing of importance happened yesterday...my mom and I ordered Chinese food and we just watched TV. This morning, my sister and I made dream catchers. My mom had bought me that craft to keep me busy while I was bedridden but I never felt like doing it when I wasn't feeling well. Here's a picture of the finished project:

Anyways, that kept us busy most of the morning. Now I'm watching O Brother, Where Art Thou? which is an amazing movie. It took me a few times of watching it to understand it...there is sooo much symbolism that the movie is much more interesting if you know what the scenes are supposed to represent.
Tonight my parents are going to Charlie's Charhouse which is a steak restaurant. I hadn't planned on going because of my sexy velcro shoes and I figured if every single person in the hospital stared at me in my wheelchair and when I walked, people in the real world must be 10x worse haha. But since we are going to the Alder Planetarium downtown Chicago tomorrow, I fugure I might as well get used to it.
Alright....buhbye for now.
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