Sooo Happy!!!
I went in for my second post-op visit today and my worst fears disappeared literally, before my eyes as the nurse took off the bandages. My feet looked great!! Compared to last week, when they looked deformed and I cried when I left the office, today was great. She cut off the bandages and the swelling had gone WAY down, plus since I took so much of the iodine off, my feet looked nice and normal-colored except for the bruises. The doc cut off the ends of the stitches (they're dissolvable but the ends were sticking out of my 4 cuts total) and that kind of hurt but he was done within 30 seconds. He moved my toes around which caused some mild discomfort was wasn't bad at all.
Then...the part I dreaded...X-Rays. I dreaded it because last week, I nearly fainted in the room. So I walked in there, no dizziness, the nurse took 2 of the 3 X-Rays, and all of a feet start itching: exactly what they did last week before I felt faint. I sucked it up and said that I would be sitting down in about 20 seconds, but it got so intense I had to tell the nurse. As I told her that I felt dizzy again (she did my X-Rays last time too), I started losing my hearing and everything started getting dark. I was so dizzy that I started getting nauseas. I was positive that I was going to faint. About 3 nurses, the doctor, and my mom came into the room and a nurse brought me a glass of water. I felt better within about 5 minutes, which is actually longer than it took me last week, but I was sweating so much that I felt horrible the rest of the time I was there. The doctor said that my blood pressure dropped so fast because I hadn't stood up barefoot in 2 weeks (besides last week at the doc) that my body wasn't used to it and all the blood rushed to my feet. lol I's so embarrassing.
Anyways, I don't have to go back for about 10 days, after which I can walk around barefoot. Now I have to have some kind of shoe on at all times, but as long as no trauma occurs to my foot (stubbing my toe, dropping anything on my feet, someone stepping on my feet, etc.), everything should continue healing perfectly. The doc said that I'm healing surprisingly fast for such a big surgery and he's very happy with the results. I can get my feet wet now, and when I'm in regular shoes, every few steps I have to stop and stretch my big toe joint and eventually work it to the point where I'm pushing off my toes like a normal person walks. I can change my own dressings now after showering or swimming, so as soon as I change them for the first time (tomorrow) I'll post pics of my tootsies without any bandages :-)
Here are the latest pics:

To compare these shots with previous are the links:
1) Week 1 (Day of Surgery to One Week Later)
2) Week 2 (One Week Later to 15 Days Later)
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