To my whole family (mom, sis, Auntie Laura, etc. haha) who says my blog is 'boring.' Get a double bunionectomy and then you'll see what 'boring' really is. Everyday just sitting around doing nothing but watching the clock to see when you can take your next Vicodin, playing Sudoku until you have a headache, and watching TLC until you can't take it.....haha I started this blog ONLY to document the progress of my feet!! It's not a personal blog! If it was, I'd write about my life and post pics of myself!! It was originally only meant for myself to see anyways and then my mom read it too!!! MEAN MEAN MEAN!!! (see you today at nani's) (and Friday at Auntie Ro's) :-)
Auntie Ro (cough my mom cough) is having a BBQ on Friday?! Good thing I read this blog to get the family's social calendar!!! ;)
Oh, Natalie! Meanie Auntie Laura loves you. You know I'm kidding. Okay, no more funny business. Only good old fashioned foot stompin fun (oops! Sorry, Natalie, you can't do any of that (he,he,he!!!). But when you can, I'd better RUNNNNNNN!
Love, Mean Auntie Laura (but really nice Auntie Laura who loves you!)
I'm having a bunionectomy done on my right foot on friday and my name is also Natalie wierd!!
I think your blog is awesome and was just what I was researching for!!! Hope my recovery goes as fast as yours did!!!
January 2018 - Thank you for your pictures and blog - it is still very helpful for those of us looking to get the double.
Thanks again!
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