6 Weeks and 1 day....
...And I've decided that there's nothing worthwhile to write about anymore. My feet are pretty much healed, everyday things get easier, I'm able to jog on them. The pictures don't really look any different.
So this is my last post on my bunion blog haha...thank you to everyone who's read it and commented (my family...people from the 'bunion and hammertoe lovers' group, and anyone else who's randomly stumbled upon it). If anyone has any questions about anything, post a comment and I'll still answer all those!!

Its finally over!! You have been planning this for a few years ..it turned out perfect. An easy and fast recovery, we chose the right Doctor and especially the "T.L.C.", you received at home helped you to recover quickly.
P.S No more chinese slippers lol
finally natalie! woot woot.. congrats on ur new feet.. even tho mine are still prettier!! jk jk
later aligator
hi sweetie, i have finally got around to reasing all of your blog, i enjoy reading it so much i have read it all over again, i am happy its all over and you are the road to beautiful feet,now they can match the rest of you beautiful i mean.save this blog someday it will be part of the book you are going yo write.love you nani
thanks for the story! I'm 22 and looking to get a double bunionectomy, this helped a lot! I'm sure by now you hardly even think about your surgery and hope to be in the same position within the next few years.
~a fellow bunion effected young girl
Hi! Just wondering how you feel about the surgery now? Any regression or stiffness? Thanks!
It's been over 5 years since the surgery and I am still 100% thrilled about the results. I didn't realize at the time, but when these last pics were taken my feet were still swollen, they still went down quite a bit. There's been no regression, I have full range of motion. I went from NEVER showing my feet to anyone to having no shame :-) Also I'm really happy I had them done at the same time. Thanks for reading :-)
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First off I wanted to say I enjoy reading your blog. I had a bunionectomy on my right foot May 15, 2012. This Tuesday will be going on 4 weeks and I am very pleased with my results. I got my sutures taken out this past week and like you said once you shower there's a lot of dead skin. But exfoliating can take care of that. I read in your blog that around the 3rd post op you were able to walk pretty much normal. I am struggling horribly, and my doctor suggests I go to physical therapy. I don't want to mostly because of money. I don't understand why it's so hard for me. It's more of a mental thing because I am scared to put all the pressure on my right foot to then lift up my left foot to walk. I am doing more of a limp/drag of my leg foot (the good foot). Did you have any trouble walking? Or any advice/suggestions? Sorry this is so long.
Congrats on your new feet! I'm sorry the return to walking has been difficult. Remember, I was 20 when I had the surgery so I healed faster. If you're around my age, if everything structurally is ok (i.e. with the bones), and the doctor says it's okay to walk, you have to walk! I know it hurts and is scary. Trust me, I've been there. I can distinctly remember my parents holding me up telling me to stand, and I was crying because I was so scared of the pain. But you have to do it.
Do you have crutches? If you're really nervous, walking with the crutches first to "ease" yourself into it might help. Otherwise, you just have to do it. Put more and more pressure on the foot until it's equal with the other. Are you stiff in your ankle (like I had been) or toes? If so, you either need to get a move on with the walking OR talk to a physical therapist ASAP. You don't want to have permanent scar tissue which will affect your mobility. It's been 4 weeks, walking won't hurt your foot! Good luck.
Hi Natalie,
Thanks for replying. I am 23 years old and my doctor told me I am healing well and I just need to walk. He took my X-rays last week and he said everything looks fine and I just need to start walking. I have crutches and I walk with those because I can't seem to put the pressure equally on both feet and just walk. I am more stiff in my ankles rather than toes but I am doing exercises to overcome that. Thanks for your advice and encouragement! I hope to be walking soon.
Hi Natalie ! I found your blog a few days ago and I must say it was really comforting and helpful. I had a bunionevtomy on my right foot on may 31,2012. I was sipposed to have my stitches removed last week but ,y foot was too swollen so the doctor decided to wait another week. Thanks for taking the time to do this blog, it has been very helpful and nice to know that you're not alone. I don't know if you felt like you were a freak because of your deformed feet but I did. Anyways I'll keep you posted on how it turnd out for me. Take care !
Hi Natalie,
Your blog is one of the reasons I chose to go ahead with a double bunionectomy-after chickening out last summer! I am going crazy waiting to run again...My surgery was on July 10 (5 weeks ago) but the doctor has not been able to give me a date where I will be able to run again. When did you feel comfortable running/jogging again? Were there precautions you took or sneakers you wore to keep you from having pain? =) Thanks for keeping this blog-it really helps readers get a realistic sense of bunion surgery and recovery!
Hello there,
I stumbled across your blog while researching bunion surgery. I have my surgery scheduled for 12/5 and I'm really scared and worried whether it will be worth it. I'm scared to loose the full range of motion of my big toe and not be able to run again or wear high heel shoes. I see that you had a perfect surgery and are very pleased with it and it gives me motivation to go through with my surgery, but I'm still very, very worried... and nervous. Are you able to wear high heels again? How soon? And, are you able to run long distances without any pain? How soon before all the swelling and bruising was gone? How soon did you start walking again with crutches and without crutches? Sorry for all my questions, but if you find any time, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!!!
Hi anonymous,
I fully encourage and support you to go through with your surgery on 12/5. The thought of surgery is quite scary but it isn't too bad and well worth it. I will tell you about my experience. I had two bunionectomy, my right foot 5/15/12 and my left 7/17/12. You will lose some range of motion BUT that can be avoided if you walk, massage the scar, and do your required exercises. I was scared to walk with my right foot and it has hindered me terribly. I wasn't able to walk without crutches until a little over a month. My range of motion is very limited in my right foot due to that. It's been 6 months and the swelling has pretty much subsided. My left foot was more of a success because i didn't want to go through the same thing. I was walking in like 2-3 weeks, i have great range of motion which is still improving. My left foot is still swollen but that takes about 6months- 1year. I wore heels for the first time two weeks ago and was ecstatic and sad at the same time. Due to not walking and moving the joint on my right foot it was very uncomfortable wearing the heels. My left foot was a lot more comfortable. I just had my last post op appointment this past week and my doctor just advises my to keep both joints moving. Trust me I get pretty sad when I see all my pretty heels I can't wear yet. Don't make the same mistake :) I wish you luck on your surgery and remember to walk, keep your joints moving, and do the necessary exercises. You will love your new feet and be able to wear heels in no time.
Our feet look almost identical! I was just wondering what specific type of bunion surgery you had done? I see your second toe still bends to the outside of your feet feet surgery, did you have or did your doctor recommend putting a pin in your second toe to straighten it out?
Hi Jez! My podiatrist shaved off the part of my big toe that stuck out (the bunion) and he inserted a pin to straighten out the toe. As my feet continued to heal and the swelling subsided (6-ish months post surgery), my big toe has come to rest slightly on my second toe. My big toe was never totally straight, which is good because my feet would look awkward then! Putting a pin in the second toe was never even mentioned, and I wouldn't have wanted to go through another (pointless-in my opinion) surgery. I love my results :-)
Yes I agree I love your results! My doctor recommended a lapidus bunionectomy which is a more complicated, invasive surgery with a longer, harder healing time. There is absolute no weight bearing for 6-8 weeks. I feel as if this specific surgery is a bit excessive for me because like I said my foot looks exactly like your before picture. You don't know the specific name of the surgery you had?
I was never told the actual name, but from what I've learned about the surgery, I think it was pretty standard. 6-8 weeks of no weight bearing sounds crazy to me...I'm not sure it's worth it? Maybe a second opinion would be worth a shot. Even people who hip and knee replacements are up and walking the week of their surgery. I would think atrophy of the muscles/deconditioning would set in pretty quickly.
Good luck in what you choose. Keep me updated!
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