Friday, November 11, 2011

5 year update

Hi everyone. I want to give a big "Thank you" to those who have found my blog and have posted comments, questions, and shared your personal stories about the surgery. Recently, I've been getting several comments (yes, 5 years later!) asking if I'm still happy with my results, if I've seen any recurrence, etc. Instead of posting the same response over and over, I thought I'd post about it, my first on this blog since 2006.

I have absolutely no regrets about having both feet done at the same time or getting the surgery in the first place. At the time of my surgery, I was 20 and on summer vacation from college. responsibilities! Now, at 25 and working a full-time job, I highly doubt I would have done both at the same time as I was pretty dependent for at least a week or two before being able to care completely for myself/figure out the routine. I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful family who was always willing to help, but if your circumstances are different from mine, you might not want to have the double. Have one done, wait a year or so, then tackle the other side. It will make life easier and less painful (even though the worst pain only lasted a week or so).

I've had no recurrence and my feet look wonderful. I can't begin to tell you what a confidence boost it was/is to be able to wear flippy floppies without trying to hide your feet all the time like I did pre-surgery. When I posted last, I thought my feet were healed, but they were actually still swollen! The swelling didn't completely subside for several months and my feet don't look that fat anymore :-) I do have a slightly visual scar on both feet but they're barely noticeable. In the summer, I have to add extra moisturizer due to swimming in pools and walking barefoot/in sandals so much. Other than that, the only person who asked what the scar was from was the lady giving me my pedicure!

Anyways, that's my 5-year update. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to ask. I will always answer. I have the same email address so all comments are mailed to me automatically. Here are some pictures from this past summer (May 2011 and July 2011) and since I never posted a picture of! Sorry for the 2nd pic, it shows up the right way on my computer but I don't know how to rotate on here!

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