Some Examples of Horrifying Bunions
THESE ARE NOT MY FEET THANK GOD!!! Haha I was just browsing through pictures and I found these pictures of absolutely terrible bunions.

Sometimes I would look at my feet and say that I was sooo unlucky. Old women are supposed to have bunions...not 20-year old sorority girls!! But then I see these pictures and the deformities some people have to deal with, and I thank my lucky stars.
As for the current condition of my feet, it's been exactly 3 weeks since my surgery (Wednesday, May 31, 2006), and I have no pain whatsoever. I'm walking more normally each day and I'm able to move my toes (especially my big toe) more when I walk. I usually walk with socks on around the house (in addition to the bandages that I put on myself...put iodine on the scar, put gauze over the scar, and wrap up my foot with this stuff from the has to be done whenever it's not wet from the pool or shower), but I have to be EXTRA careful when I walk with no shoes on. At this point, walking will not damage my feet or the surgery. The only thing that can damage the surgery now is trauma to the feet. Trauma being anything from someone stepping on them, to stubbing my toe, to something falling on it. Any direct trauma has compromise the success of the surgery as of now. That's why I can't wear open shoes like sandals and why I'm not supposed to walk around without shoes. I go back to the podiatrist on Monday. After he checks them out, I'll be able to wear sandals, walk barefoot, pretty much just keep building up strength and mobility in my toes.
My posts aren't really exiting lately...and I apologize for that, but the worst (and most exciting) parts of this ordeal are over! If anyone has suggestions for what to write about or questions about all this, post a comment!!
Until something worthwhile happens...
As for the current condition of my feet, it's been exactly 3 weeks since my surgery (Wednesday, May 31, 2006), and I have no pain whatsoever. I'm walking more normally each day and I'm able to move my toes (especially my big toe) more when I walk. I usually walk with socks on around the house (in addition to the bandages that I put on myself...put iodine on the scar, put gauze over the scar, and wrap up my foot with this stuff from the has to be done whenever it's not wet from the pool or shower), but I have to be EXTRA careful when I walk with no shoes on. At this point, walking will not damage my feet or the surgery. The only thing that can damage the surgery now is trauma to the feet. Trauma being anything from someone stepping on them, to stubbing my toe, to something falling on it. Any direct trauma has compromise the success of the surgery as of now. That's why I can't wear open shoes like sandals and why I'm not supposed to walk around without shoes. I go back to the podiatrist on Monday. After he checks them out, I'll be able to wear sandals, walk barefoot, pretty much just keep building up strength and mobility in my toes.
My posts aren't really exiting lately...and I apologize for that, but the worst (and most exciting) parts of this ordeal are over! If anyone has suggestions for what to write about or questions about all this, post a comment!!
Until something worthwhile happens...
Just bog about stuff you find interesting and things you do. Like what you've been doing, projects, happenings, people, facts, there's so much!
you said that any direct trauma (stepping on feet, or something falling on it) will have an effect on the success of the surgery... is that just for the recovery period? or for the rest of your life? I'm 21 and possibly going for double bunion surgery too..
Hi Laura,
Only during the recovery period. The bones are still settling in and re-growing around the pins so you don't want to have any trauma to them. Careful around animals, kids, etc. Your podiatrist will tell you what you can and can't do at your visits, and make sure you ask for a typical recovery timeline before the surgery. Good luck!
Hi Natalie,
My double bunion surgery is scheduled for next month! I want to say thank you so much for such an informative and inspiring blog.
I have a couple questions if you don't mind:
- did you get a general anesthetic or a local one?
- did you walk on crutches? I'm still in school, so i'll be attending my classes 1 week following my operation to catch on before my final exams.... how was walking (if you did any?)
- how soon later were you able to wear heals and dance on your feet (did you do physio therapy?)... im getting married in the spring (5 months after surgery, so im wondering if i'll be able to wear heals and dance!?)
- can you stand on ur tippie-toes and do normal activity like before?
... thanks! really appreciate it!
You must be so excited for your surgery! I have never regretted my decision.
To answer your questions,
1) I had a general anesthetic. I was completely out.
2)No crutches. My mom had a single bunionectomy and had them though, so it must depend on your podiatrist.
3)I never did physical therapy, and was able to wear heels within a few months. I'd say you'll be ok to wear heels in 5 months, though maybe your podiatrist will recommend you wear shorter heels for the ceremony only.
4)Yes, I have full functions of all my toes.
I would ask your podiatrist all those questions though as it will depend on your severity and method of surgery used.
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