Sunday, June 04, 2006


(Something is wrong with the font sorry the second half of this is huge. I don't know what's going on!! Haha)

Last night was, by far, the best night so far. It's day 5 since my surgery (all day Wed 31st-now) and I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. I only took 2 Vicodin pills during the day yesterday (usually I need 4), and even when I took them, the pain wasn't bad, I just wanted to be safe rather than sorry. Last night I took 1 1/2 at bedtime (11) and then no more for the whole night! Even now, I've been up for an hour and having taken anything. It's been about 11 hours since I took it last!! And yes, I know my family thinks I'm addicted to Vicodin and will have a hard time coming off of it...but I don't even want it now! It's better that I get off it as soon as possible. #1: I'm healing. #2: I don't have to worry about withdrawal symptoms (One of my friends had a headache for 2 days when he stopped using Vicodin after a surgery).

So last night was wonderful. I never woke up (if I did, I don't remember), and when I woke up this morning I was able to walk to the bathroom a little more normally. I've been walking like I have 'spina bifida' according to my mom. The pain is at about a 2 on the scale...but it's not actually "pain pain," it's more pressure on my foot. My toes are huge and have a color like this (greenish...yellowish...just yucky) from the iodine anti-bacterial stuff they put on. It'll be nice once I can get it wet and wash it all off. The swelling unnerved me at first to see just because it's hard seeing your body 'broken' I guess. My family keeps telling me to rotate my ankles because they're getting stiff but they don't understand that it hurts to do it as much as they say to!! Back to my toes...they're getting smaller now even though I'll have swelling for a while. And no, I still can't find my cable for my camera. Thank my mom who, while cleaning up my room, misplaced it. And it's kind of hard for me to look for it since I'm partially immobile...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

July 17, 2006 9:52 PM  

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