So What the Hell is a Bunion?
Most people think that bunions only happen in 'old people.' NOT TRUE!! Haha I figure that not EVERYONE reading this is in my family, so for all of you people who are kind of confused about what a bunion actually is, here's your explanation.

Bunions can range from mild to extremely severe:

Symptoms include redness, swelling and pain which may be present along the inside margin of the foot.
The patients feet may become too wide to fit into their normal size shoe and may experience moderate to severe discomfort may occur when the patient is wearing tight shoes.
Calluses may occur on the soles of the feet, in between toes and on the bunion joint. Arthritis can also eventually occur, but the doc said I had no evidence of arthritis.
I'm still looking for the cable to connect my camera to my laptop. As soon as I do I can upload the pics I've taken!! Stay tuned...
the mild foot looks normal to me - or at least I wouldn't think of having surgery to fix this. The other one though, I would think you could hardly walk!
The mild one probably wouldn't be operated on. Technically, you're not supposed to have them fixed unless they hurt you or are at the point where arthritis could form, the second toe is being overlapped, etc. The mild form is just the beginning of a bunion and could probably be prevented from getting any worse by buying wider shoes, or other methods like that.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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