Ouchy :-(
Oh. My. God.
I don't know what the heck's going on with my body but Vicodin isn't doing a damn thing for me today. All it's doing it taking the edge off, but I've had constant pain (about at a level...3 or 4) all day. I took a half-nap for like an hour but it was so in and out I don't even know if I was completely asleep. I have ice packs on my ankles and my feet are elevated to help with the swelling, but nothing's working today. I'm trying to watch TV -- boring. I've played more games of Sudoku in the last 3 days than anyone should ever have to. I'm sick of my computer, I don't feel like reading. Life pretty much stinks right now!!! I hope once I take my next Vicodin in 1 1/2 hours and my anti-inflammatory at 7pm I can relax more. Ugh.
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