Monday, June 05, 2006

I Almost Forgot What "Painless" Felt Like

Last night was the first night I slept the whole night through. I took one Vicodin around 8pm, and haven't taken another one since :-) (And it's 9:30am now)...I never woke up in the middle of the night and was so exhausted from yesterday that I just passed out. I think Vicodin has an effect on dreams...because I have had the strangest dreams and nightmares. Last night I dreamt I was hostage but a weird 6 foot woman named Sandy...and then I looked up the dream analysis meaning of 'hostage,' and it means that I feel 'physically immobilized.' Who said Freud was crazy? ;-)

Yesterday was the first day I felt actually BORED. My mom and sister volunteered all day at a fishing derby in the beautiful weather (sunny and 80) and my dad worked outside on our pool. I was either in the family room, my bedroom, or trying to walk around to waste some time. I got a headache in the afternoon and that didn't end till I fell asleep around 11 last night. I went out for the first time yesterday evening. We went to Culvers (haha if you knew my family it's a given that Culvers would be the first place they'd take me!!) and I got really hot and nauseas in the car. I couldn't wait to get home.

This morning I have no pain at all (just a little pressure) and I don't need to take Vicodin (yet hehe). Nani is over and I'm watching Oprah. I go to the doctors for my first follow-up on Wednesday and I'll get to see my new feet for the first time!

Adios for now...


Blogger Rosemarie said...

We were driving home from a birthday party/baby shower yesterday and were gonna stop by -- we should have, now I feel so bad knowing you were so bored. sorry! Hope you had something good at Culvers.

June 05, 2006 4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"tootsie", I'm getting tired of reading about your feet(two and three times a day! (Shows you how exciting my life is, right?) Every day it's the same thing, feet, feet, feet, vicadin, vicadin, vicadin. Can't you come up with something fun and exciting? You're going to Nani's today for a visit and your cousin, Andrew, the most adorable cousin in the whole world is going to visit also - isn't that fun and exciting? Auntie Ro is having a summer bbq on Friday, isn't that exciting? I don't think we'll be there though, because we're headed up the lake Thursday after my workout til Monday night - isn't that exciting? Sad, but exciting for us!!! Just messing with you, tootsie. I know how hard it is to be in pain and immobile. Just wanted to let you know I'm paying attention to your diaries. Love, Auntie Laura (that's right, it's the Auntie Laura who gave tootsie the tape of 24. Wasn't that nice of me, everyone? (HE, He, He!) I'm killing time till my workout. Do I have to go? Please say NOOOOOOOO! Love ya.

June 06, 2006 9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, tootsie! Mom just showed me what she wrote on your blog. I laughed. I hope you feel better. See you by Nani's. I am going to give you a big hug and kiss. You're lucky to have a cute and adorable cousin like me - KISS MY FEET!!! or should I be kissing your feet? (laughing right now) See you later. Love, your cute and adorable soon to enter 6th grade cousin who feels so bad that his cousin is feeling bad, Andrew.

June 06, 2006 9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

July 17, 2006 9:52 PM  

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