4:30am Wake-Up Call

So I've set my alarm for tomorrow morning to go off at 4:30am . The adrenaline should get me up though. I'm pretty much ready for tomorrow. I'm going to take a long shower and enjoy the last time I'll be able to stand without ANY pain for a while. I can't eat anything past midnight, so for dinner I had a spinach salad, a chicken breast, a half an ear of corn, and Asian salad dressing=yummmmmmy. I also went to see The DaVinci Code tonight with my nani, Auntie Ro, mom, and sister, Geena. It was really good and for 2 1/2 hours I was able to forget about my surgery and contemplate the possibility that Jesus was married. (OOOOH THE SCANDAL!!)
I have my clothes ready for tomorrow and my room is stocked with books, DVDs, and a dream-catcher craft kit (my mom's gift to me) haha. I'm going to watch an episode or two of NBC's The Office (my new favorite show) and hopefully fall asleep soon. I probably shouldn't have taken that 2-hour nap earlier...
Until tomorrow....
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